How to Protect Your Vaginal pH
If you are a sexually active woman, then it is important that you keep your vagina healthy and balanced. The pH of your vagina should be between 3.5 and 4.5 in order for it to remain healthy and free of infections.
When the pH balance of the vagina becomes unbalanced, it may result in infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis.
If you are a sexually active woman, then it is important that you keep your vagina healthy and balanced. The pH of your vagina should be between 3.5 and 4.5 in order for it to remain healthy and free of infections.
When the pH balance of the vagina becomes unbalanced, it may result in infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. Women who are sexually active have a higher risk of developing these infections than those who are not sexually active because of their increased exposure to semen, which has an alkaline pH level.
The main function of your cervix is to protect you from harmful bacteria from entering the uterus from the vagina during menstruation or intercourse. It does this by producing a mucus that traps any bacteria or foreign objects coming into contact with it before they can enter the uterus. The mucus produced by your cervix also contains lactic acid which helps to maintain its balance within the vagina itself as well as prevent any unwanted organisms from entering through it.
This means that if there is an imbalance in either one or both areas (vagina or cervix), then there's a good chance that something might go wrong!
The pH of your vagina regulates itself automatically. But when we use the wrong feminine hygiene products or have intercourse, the pH may get disrupted. This can lead to imbalances, odor and infections.
Here are some tips to maintain vaginal pH:
1. Avoid using douches, sprays and powders. These products disrupt the natural balance of your vagina by stripping away good bacteria which can lead to irritation and infection.
2. Use lactic acid soaps instead of soaps with harsh chemicals like triclosan and paraben-free cleansers instead of perfumes that can irritate sensitive skin in the genital area. Also avoid using fabric softeners because they contain fragrance which can also cause irritation and dryness.
3. Avoid using antibiotics unless absolutely necessary because they kill off good as well as bad bacteria in your body leading to an imbalance in the gut flora which results in yeast infections (candidiasis). Antibiotics also kill off other beneficial microorganisms like probiotics that help maintain healthy vaginal flora thus leading to imbalances and infections.
4. Take and oral probiotic. Probiotics are live organisms, often bacteria, which are ingested in order to promote gut health. They can be taken orally or applied topically to the vagina. The most common strains of probiotic used in vaginal care include Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14. Both have been shown to prevent bacterial vaginosis (BV) and Candida albicans infections in women with abnormal vaginal pH.
Hopefully, you will be more aware of how pH balance can affect the health of your vaginal region. Imbalances can lead to all kinds of issues, so it is important to note that your lifestyle choices and even environmental factors can impact this delicate region.. Thankfully, there are many ways for you to maintain proper pH balance and prevent imbalances.